So you saw my video on social media..

You’re that woman who is looking to build a career in Germany/Europe but you need some help?

I’ve been where you are.

Finding a job in Germany, interviewing, making the move, settling into work, networking, fitting into this new world and figuring this out can be a lot.

Overwhelming, confusing, lonely and hard.

But if you’ve got the skill & the will, let’s talk.

XoXo Your Immigrant BFF


My message to you. (View in Fullscreen, my webpage building skills are subpar)

Let’s TALK

For us to have a meaningful conversation, I need information and context.

Tell me who you are, what your goals are and where you’re struggling or need help.


  • Great question. I am in the process of discovering and defining this based on what YOU need. I am not coming here with pre-defined 'programs' or 'courses'. I want to hear from you first.

    Of course, my experience will influence what I offer and how I think I can help.

    But first we talk, then we walk.

  • Nothing. Zero. Nada.

    Currently, it will cost you no money.

    If I do so in the future, it will be a nominal amount. I fully understand that money is probably one of the obstacles you face. So I do not want to add to the financial burden here.